WEBVTT 00:00.000 --> 00:13.640 This is Hacker Public Radio episode 4,085 for Friday the 29th of March 2024. 00:13.640 --> 00:19.920 Today's show is entitled, Android User Land Google Assistant GPT. 00:19.920 --> 00:24.680 It is hosted by operator and is about 32 minutes long. 00:24.680 --> 00:27.480 It carries an explicit flag. 00:27.480 --> 00:40.920 The summary is operator tells you how to get past no ADP and blocking a third party APKS. 00:40.920 --> 00:44.200 You are listening to a show from the Reserve queue. 00:44.200 --> 00:49.160 We are airing it now because we had free slots that were not filled. 00:49.160 --> 00:55.040 This is a community project that needs listeners to contribute shows in order to survive. 00:55.040 --> 00:58.320 Please consider recording a show for Hacker Public Radio. 00:58.320 --> 01:03.600 Hello everyone, welcome to another episode of Hacker Public Radio with your operator. 01:03.600 --> 01:10.680 Today we are talking about new Android phone and how I have set it up and how it is different 01:10.680 --> 01:12.080 to my last one. 01:12.080 --> 01:16.960 So we are going to be talking about kind of a jail breaking but being able to run any 01:16.960 --> 01:23.840 application you want on a at least Android device and then also how I am handling Google 01:23.840 --> 01:27.520 Assistant now using CHATGPT. 01:27.520 --> 01:33.320 So if you want a better Google Assistant or if you want to have complete control over your 01:33.320 --> 01:40.120 entire device or have basically a micro computer inside of your Android computer, your 01:40.120 --> 01:42.280 Android phone, listen up. 01:42.280 --> 01:49.080 So first thing to talk about is the old setup we have with work was to profile setup. 01:49.080 --> 01:56.520 So the first one was the system profile 0 or whatever and then I think it was a profile 01:56.520 --> 02:02.960 9 was my personal profile and the idea is that the work in the personal or separate and 02:02.960 --> 02:09.840 that you could have apps on each one and whatever you could manage the app stores separately. 02:09.840 --> 02:15.720 And essentially completely close out and theory all the tasks for your work profile when 02:15.800 --> 02:21.760 your personal wasn't on or when you are not working you can turn off the work profile 02:21.760 --> 02:24.360 and that will kill all the apps for the work profile. 02:24.360 --> 02:27.600 And from what I can tell they actually did work. 02:27.600 --> 02:31.800 So I had to log back into stuff after we get into whatever. 02:31.800 --> 02:33.920 So anyways that is how it was set up before. 02:33.920 --> 02:38.720 It was kind of weird the way we had emails through exchange but it was a weird exchange 02:38.800 --> 02:47.120 Google thing so Gmail client was my client for our directory outlook. 02:47.120 --> 02:51.440 So everything was kind of broken out look was the previous thing and then I guess they 02:51.440 --> 02:56.000 were locking things down and decided to go this route and try to see if it would work 02:56.000 --> 02:57.520 and it really didn't work. 02:57.520 --> 03:02.320 So they moved back to a different model where you just have one profile and there's no 03:02.320 --> 03:10.480 ADB debugging for Android and there's also no third party ADB case along with all the other 03:10.480 --> 03:14.080 security profile stuff like locking standards and stuff like that. 03:14.080 --> 03:18.520 So first things first that limits a lot of what you can do. 03:18.520 --> 03:25.120 If you can't do ADB then there's a lot of stuff you can't do with the phone as far as 03:25.120 --> 03:28.960 enhancements, getting things what you want. 03:28.960 --> 03:30.080 Same thing for third party applications. 03:30.080 --> 03:35.760 If you can't start a stall third party ADB case things start to get to get complicated or 03:35.760 --> 03:39.840 you start getting a trail to that into that ecosystem of Android. 03:39.840 --> 03:41.840 So start to think about what can I do. 03:41.840 --> 03:49.360 Chances are I try to do some silly stuff like load ADK through another app that was already 03:49.360 --> 03:50.360 installed. 03:50.360 --> 03:57.280 So you have some janky work app and maybe you can man the middle of some kind of method 03:57.280 --> 04:04.960 in which to execute arbitrary code through your work app and gain like system level access. 04:04.960 --> 04:09.520 So the idea would be and I still haven't done any research on this and I'm not an Android 04:09.520 --> 04:17.960 Pintester by any means but the idea would be to get hold of one of those work applications. 04:17.960 --> 04:26.880 Inspect that traffic debug it understand how to get in between it and find a way to get 04:26.880 --> 04:29.840 to the information. 04:29.840 --> 04:37.280 So if there's no SSL at some point, that's an easy way to get out. 04:37.280 --> 04:43.760 But even there I think a third party app can't install third party apps unless it's enabled 04:43.760 --> 04:44.760 in the back end. 04:44.760 --> 04:48.920 So you'd have to basically compromise like Maz 360 or something and that's probably not 04:48.920 --> 04:49.920 going to happen. 04:49.920 --> 04:54.200 So I look at that and said there's no way I'm going to be able to find some like OD with 04:54.200 --> 04:59.680 you know and you know the play store or Maz 360 here or something. 04:59.680 --> 05:02.760 So I gave up and then I said okay what else can I do? 05:02.760 --> 05:06.240 I know I have arbitrary code execution. 05:06.240 --> 05:12.320 I know I can execute whatever I want on this device because that's just inherently how 05:12.320 --> 05:13.320 it's set up. 05:13.320 --> 05:14.320 There's no application. 05:14.320 --> 05:15.680 I can run whatever app I want. 05:15.680 --> 05:22.320 It just so happens that the apps that I can run are in as closed ecosystem but that's 05:22.320 --> 05:28.520 not to say I can't create you know a shell script and run that or create some other arbitrary 05:28.520 --> 05:31.720 code somewhere on the system and execute stuff. 05:31.720 --> 05:39.800 So then I start talking about this thinking about oh well I know they have like the external 05:39.800 --> 05:44.800 and the whatever they call it the emulators or whatever terminal emulators for Android. 05:44.800 --> 05:48.960 Let me just fire one of those up and see if I can get a like a tapian you know install 05:48.960 --> 05:54.560 going and have a terminal and I can get everything I need from there and I don't remember 05:54.560 --> 05:58.640 the name of it but that's one I had used before but it's a popular terminal and you 05:58.640 --> 06:04.200 can have like devian like packages and I started to mess with that and it kept warning me 06:04.200 --> 06:09.640 that it was old and then used to be updated and you can't do this can't do that. 06:09.640 --> 06:14.760 Oh man it was all kind of old and black data and it said oh we'll use a new version that's 06:14.760 --> 06:15.760 not on the play store. 06:15.760 --> 06:20.200 Well that's not an option for me because again right we can't install for any applications. 06:20.200 --> 06:26.720 So started to back up and say okay well now that I sort of have arbitrary code execution 06:26.720 --> 06:32.320 what can I look in and I knew there was way back in APK on the app store they could 06:32.320 --> 06:38.080 let you install different distributions and run you know other distros like Cali or 06:38.080 --> 06:39.080 whatever. 06:39.080 --> 06:42.640 I see you know what I wonder what the scene looks like now for that it's probably kind 06:42.640 --> 06:45.600 of fleshed out and chits and it actually is. 06:45.600 --> 06:52.640 So there's a app on the app store for Android called wow I don't remember the name of it 06:52.640 --> 07:01.200 it is called like you might know it's here and oh that's on a hacking list user land. 07:01.200 --> 07:10.800 So user land is basically a way to start up other distributions within Android. 07:10.840 --> 07:18.000 They call it a let's see they don't even explain what it is here but anyways it's a way 07:18.000 --> 07:24.760 to run several different distributions within Android and there's other ones like you 07:24.760 --> 07:33.400 know any later that will let you do same type of thing so your options here are within 07:33.440 --> 07:34.400 user land. 07:34.400 --> 07:40.200 Let me bring it up here on my phone here. 07:40.200 --> 07:49.720 Alpine arch devian kelly bun to Firefox get idle while Python idle I guess shell VS code 07:49.720 --> 07:50.720 somehow. 07:50.720 --> 07:59.520 Thunderbird I guess VS codes through whatever you know whatever you can run mono which you 07:59.560 --> 08:09.280 can run Windows you know BLLs or VB whatever code inside of Linux Thunderbird games 08:09.280 --> 08:15.280 adventures or it's a couple of math things interestingly gimp in escape and lee prey 08:15.280 --> 08:20.520 office so you can pretty much install whatever you want let's see you get one of these 08:20.520 --> 08:29.480 going so my intention was to create like a devian tabian instance and basically you 08:29.520 --> 08:33.560 use that to launch whatever I wanted my mean requirement and my only requirement so 08:33.560 --> 08:38.880 far on Android at least has been that I would like to download YouTube videos and there's 08:38.880 --> 08:45.160 no way to do that without a third party APK or a command line version of YouTube DL or YouTube 08:45.160 --> 08:51.760 downloader whatever so that's what I realized I can use this whole full blown devian 08:52.680 --> 08:59.280 image essentially to do whatever I want now I will say I would probably just stay in the 08:59.280 --> 09:06.400 command line the UI for me at least seemed pretty crashing I think a minimalist UI might be 09:07.280 --> 09:13.360 an option there but as soon as you start updating apps and installing things it can get weird 09:13.360 --> 09:18.640 because it tries to do you know like kernel level stuff and it will end up breaking the environment 09:18.720 --> 09:23.360 so you have to be careful with what you install and then reboot check to see stuff everything 09:23.360 --> 09:29.680 still works and if you have issues you know you have to kind of roll back figure out how to 09:29.680 --> 09:33.440 see if there's been dependencies structure works and work around those different dependencies 09:34.960 --> 09:41.360 but the idea there is now I have a full blown devian UI that I can click around with at least 09:41.360 --> 09:48.240 for a little bit and I can run YouTube VL and a command line if I want to download a YouTube 09:48.240 --> 09:52.800 video on my phone so that's how I handled that it's quite interesting I actually plugged it into 09:52.800 --> 09:59.680 the computer plugged it into a docking station and was able to use my keyboard mouse screen 10:00.880 --> 10:05.680 actually not a docking station but I plugged it directly into the HDMI and then I plugged the 10:08.080 --> 10:15.520 watch there's a there's a cable you can get this a USB-C to USB and HDMI and charge port 10:15.520 --> 10:22.400 so these intern Nintendo switches is available many a dongle so the inputs USB-C the output 10:22.400 --> 10:30.240 is USB ports and HDMI and charge port so you can charge it you can plug keyboard 10:30.240 --> 10:34.320 mouse into it and then you can plug HDMI into it so basically turns your phone into a portable 10:35.360 --> 10:42.000 workstation which we're not too far off from having that I would say you know 10:42.960 --> 10:48.480 if we could get off the train of having Windows boxes it would actually be viable but it's never 10:48.480 --> 10:54.240 going to happen when Windows owns the ecosystem but you can essentially run plug your phone into a 10:54.240 --> 10:59.520 you know keyboard mouse monitor and do whatever you need to do nowadays everything's in the way 10:59.520 --> 11:04.960 by the way so if you're curious but anyways I hope you're learning a lot here because of water 11:07.680 --> 11:12.160 this has been sitting here for God knows how long anyways I think more water 11:13.200 --> 11:19.120 so we have basically an entire deviant environment we do whatever we want to do 11:20.320 --> 11:26.960 work good there the second piece I was missing is I wanted to talk about is really weather 11:27.200 --> 11:32.480 and weather apps and all the garbage comes along with it I like weather underground but I've 11:32.480 --> 11:36.400 never really liked having a weather app because weather is dumb and it's free and there's a 11:36.400 --> 11:42.720 million places to get the weather why to add to you know be bombarded by ads or you know 11:42.720 --> 11:49.280 annoyed by crappy UI whatever so I think I asked or looked on reddit or asked 11:49.440 --> 11:54.400 a chat GPT or charging at this point which I don't think I've done one on 11:54.400 --> 11:56.480 charging and I need to add that in here and let me see 11:58.480 --> 12:01.200 g.com there's going to be a lot of stuff packed in here too 12:03.680 --> 12:18.160 so they call this widget a 5 w i d g e t i f y it's like widget a 5 so basically it makes a 12:18.400 --> 12:25.200 webpage a widget on your desktop and essentially what I did was 12:26.800 --> 12:33.360 but the national service radar they have like a compressed version or like a cell cellular 12:33.360 --> 12:38.000 version I think it's called like when you go in there you can click print or something like that 12:38.720 --> 12:43.840 when it will show you like a printable version of of the radar and things like that so you can 12:43.840 --> 12:48.800 mess around with a UI especially from your phone do it from your phone and it will give you 12:48.800 --> 12:57.040 different UI options but what I have here is a probably little little square one two three 12:57.040 --> 13:02.560 I mean I use a different I use no bad it gives me more icons on the desktop but I have a little 13:02.560 --> 13:10.400 block here uses with the radar and that shows me the radar I can see through the rain patch coming 13:10.480 --> 13:16.160 whatever exactly where my coordinates are they below had that a little bit I have another widget 13:16.160 --> 13:21.200 if I did tell me the the weather for the day for the week so it's like today tonight Friday 13:21.200 --> 13:27.520 Friday night today is obviously Thursday and so it doesn't require an app it doesn't well it 13:27.520 --> 13:31.920 does require the widget if I have which just apparently has ads but unless you go into the 13:31.920 --> 13:39.680 settings of the application or like configure you know the the add the widget itself you're not 13:39.680 --> 13:46.240 going to see any ads so it's very it's very into it I can't even actually get to that I don't even know 13:46.240 --> 13:51.600 how to get to get to that I think that's under configure once you can figure something there might be 13:51.600 --> 13:57.120 ads in here I don't even know so yeah there's I think there's ads in the configuration banners or 13:57.120 --> 14:04.160 whatever so anyways that's how I've got weather without having to have a weather app I used the 14:04.160 --> 14:11.520 Nova desktop thing I paid for the premium version so far everything is free except for Nova gives you some 14:13.040 --> 14:22.400 obviously backing up your backing up your current configuration with Nova and in and changing 14:22.400 --> 14:30.160 the way the essentially the launcher works that's that's what we're replacing here and pretty much 14:30.160 --> 14:36.560 standard stuff I've already talked about there's a I have a Firefox nightly and you can enable 14:36.560 --> 14:43.680 developer mode and then you can create your own developer plug-in sets that will work pretty much on 14:43.680 --> 14:52.160 anything so I have a developer plug-in set set to my own plug-in set and you just need the ID to 14:52.160 --> 15:04.880 it so I there's it's on my YouTube if I remember I'll try to give you a no pet video for Firefox 15:05.440 --> 15:13.120 no ads so it's sponsored block and the ad block here the ad on black custom 15:13.120 --> 15:20.720 a lot number I'm using is one one three three five five zero six and the name of it is 15:20.720 --> 15:27.680 block so that's the only thing you need to know is it's all developer Firefox click the click 15:28.480 --> 15:32.720 to like about section or the icon and the about and it'll unlock the developer and you can go in there 15:32.720 --> 15:40.320 and add a custom add-on collection and that will have also yeah he's the least all right so 15:40.960 --> 15:47.760 so we've got no ads with YouTube player using Firefox because there's no third party you know 15:47.760 --> 15:53.760 YouTube players you can load up because they're so we've got no ads with YouTube no ads we have the 15:53.760 --> 15:58.640 ability to download YouTube videos or any video for that matter through or do whatever we want at all 15:59.200 --> 16:07.680 and it's also importantly enough you can dump combine user land with a VPN and get basically in an 16:07.680 --> 16:18.720 entire invisible instance of your setup essentially invisible I'm about some kind of forensics 16:19.520 --> 16:26.320 to to to work or anybody trying to you know it's vector traffic or whatever the only drawback 16:26.320 --> 16:32.240 there is that you would you know that the files would be playing text on the system itself 16:32.800 --> 16:39.360 but you could probably employ some kind of encryption mounting where you're storing the data 16:39.360 --> 16:45.280 and encrypted drive within the virtual machine so that gets a little techy if it's is there 16:45.280 --> 16:49.840 crash at all the time but there are options for you know you could develop 16:49.840 --> 16:56.480 all of your crypto time you've got your disc anyways so we got YouTube no ads we've got YouTube 16:57.040 --> 17:03.520 everything else is pretty standard now we're 16 minutes in and we're going to talk about 17:03.520 --> 17:09.280 tasker and replacing Google Assistant with not a piece of gargid the requirements are 17:09.280 --> 17:17.040 are at least basically $5 worth of tasker plugins and I will say tasker is for 17:18.000 --> 17:26.880 it's kind of hacky I've used it before I tried to use it for Google voice apparently can use 17:26.880 --> 17:33.680 it for Google but again I think you have to have used the USB debugging to to talk to 17:34.640 --> 17:42.480 Google voice like natively there's a lot of SMS things you can call SMS natively to do things in 17:42.480 --> 17:50.720 Android but Google voice is not an SMS client and an SMS application it's a SMS proxy so it's 17:50.720 --> 17:55.520 not used like an SMS application and your traditional sense going over this other network so 17:55.520 --> 18:00.080 there's a translation there so any kind of application that has to do with SMS or anything trying 18:00.080 --> 18:05.440 to manage Google voice or calls or anything it's kind of hacking with Google voice so if that's kind 18:05.440 --> 18:09.520 of my main problem but if you have standard SMS you can actually do all kinds of crazy stuff 18:09.600 --> 18:17.840 with standard SMS accessibility or whatever SMS app you have you can have hijack all that stuff 18:19.120 --> 18:27.120 so anyways we have some requirements for some engine again is tasker and tasker has been around 18:27.120 --> 18:37.680 forever it's got an interesting UI it's I would say you know what ends up happening is that you 18:37.760 --> 18:45.440 see a plugin for tasker that does what you probably think you might want to do and then you pay 18:45.440 --> 18:50.320 all the money to unlock all the things to get it to do what you want to do and then it sort of 18:50.320 --> 18:55.280 ends up doing what you want to do but it's clunky in some way whereas you know you have to like 18:55.280 --> 19:02.240 for example when mine got squirrely at a reboot and like do you know probably spend a minute to 19:02.240 --> 19:07.760 set up the to make sure everything was running it might be like a battery optimization thing 19:07.760 --> 19:11.440 that I'm missing somewhere but it seems to be kind of clunky so anyways anytime I've ever done 19:11.440 --> 19:16.800 anything with tasker it's always been like a hacky clunky thing but as a proof of concept and to 19:16.800 --> 19:23.440 see what we're going to see sooner rather than later I have replaced the Google Assistant with 19:24.320 --> 19:31.200 a strategy PT essentially or GPT for turbo and that's kind of how it's set up now 19:32.240 --> 19:39.360 so there's not really any notes around that also I'll add the GPT section add how to 19:40.240 --> 19:50.080 you GPT for turbo you know I've been using turbo instead of GPT for because it is wildly 19:50.960 --> 20:01.440 cheaper GPT for as stupid expensive GPT for turbo is reasonable and it's it's just almost as 20:01.440 --> 20:10.400 good as far as I can tell less wordy actually than than GPT for so anyways the first kind of 20:10.400 --> 20:19.280 application one in skull install there's a tasker essentially a tasker opens worse public repository 20:19.280 --> 20:28.320 of tasker apps and profiles and so the first thing I searched was a hay google or 20:29.040 --> 20:35.760 chatty PT and when I searched for that there was one called hay google chatty PT now I will see if I 20:35.760 --> 20:47.600 can go over a kind of the record so the website is tasker.net and then you go to hay google chatty PT 20:48.560 --> 20:54.080 or you just type in chatty PT and you'll get hay google chatty PT let me turn off all my 20:54.080 --> 21:01.040 ad blockers here I'm not seeing the rest of the content I don't don't see it 21:04.320 --> 21:12.400 anyways the the requirements for this and I'll tell you here in a second sorry it doesn't show up 21:12.400 --> 21:13.760 correctly with the browser 21:17.760 --> 21:24.080 okay let's take a little eye frame they put in here so it replaced the hay google chatty PT 21:24.080 --> 21:31.600 tasker.com public thing replace google assistant with chatty PT make sure to carefully read the 21:31.600 --> 21:39.600 instruction below and also the instructions of the other mentioned projects now there's several pieces 21:39.600 --> 21:46.240 of this there is chatty PT there's chatty PT cat task caller and there's hay google command 21:46.240 --> 21:51.280 intercept and then there's auto input which I think that's a polygony at the hay for 21:51.280 --> 21:55.840 so there's like I said it's like $5 to set up and you also need an open API key 21:56.880 --> 22:03.360 I have access to chatty PT for turbo I think they're giving it all away now so it used to be just 22:03.360 --> 22:10.800 chatty PT like GPT 3.5 with an open API access I think they just give it all away but that 22:10.880 --> 22:16.080 takes about a month you go in a request access to GPT 4 and they give it to you but I think they 22:16.080 --> 22:20.960 give it to everybody now I don't know how it works but if you sign up for open API they'll give you 22:20.960 --> 22:26.960 API key and then you look for how to request access to GPT 4 or they probably already have it just 22:26.960 --> 22:32.640 but divide it all now so anyways the first part is getting the plugins installed and set up 22:33.600 --> 22:41.040 make sure each application having to do with tasker is set to not optimize and be always running 22:42.240 --> 22:45.680 you don't want battery optimization or anything like that running when it's trying to do stuff 22:46.880 --> 22:52.160 I haven't had it glitch out on me too much I use it for like three days and then it glitched out 22:52.160 --> 22:57.360 and I just fixed it this morning or last night and it seems to be working okay 22:57.360 --> 23:01.680 I'm having a bit of a problem with the personalities don't seem to work right and I don't know if 23:01.760 --> 23:07.040 I don't have the right prompt or something but so that's some of what's going on 23:08.160 --> 23:13.680 so the import the hay google command intercept this basically the project allows you to get 23:13.680 --> 23:22.320 Google's this commands to tasker so somehow it's able to hook the hay google call the call and then 23:23.520 --> 23:30.000 you can define whether you want to take it over entirely which you don't want or you can have it a 23:30.080 --> 23:39.680 key word set up for it so it can be h google and then when you say the key word which I've 23:39.680 --> 23:44.880 defined as orange it will do whatever it is you need to do so here's I'll do a quick example 23:45.600 --> 23:55.600 hay google and of course it's not working so hay google orange tell me a joke about how bad 23:55.680 --> 24:06.880 google assistant is it's very quick as far as like don't we like to hang out with google assistant 24:06.880 --> 24:13.680 at parties because whenever we ask you to tell a joke it just google's one yeah so that's a 24:13.680 --> 24:21.040 example of a response from chatchipt for a google assistant using the code word orange so it's 24:21.760 --> 24:28.000 h google orange quickly followed by what you want to ask chatchipt to do it's not a two-way 24:28.000 --> 24:32.720 conversation it's a single whatever if you want to have a conversation with it you just go to the 24:32.720 --> 24:38.400 UI and you say you know you click on the UI and say I want to start a conversation you can go back 24:38.400 --> 24:48.320 and forth with it so it's kind of interesting I have used it a few times to ask quick questions so like 24:49.200 --> 24:54.800 for example if I want to know how to do a function of our simspunk sim and say hey how do I 24:54.800 --> 24:59.920 remove duplicates or whatever it was I was asking it and instead of having to search for it 24:59.920 --> 25:09.200 coggy not google khaji i.com i i was able to get the response from the phone and not have to 25:09.760 --> 25:16.880 stop what I was doing to like search for an easy answer to something that is google assistant is not 25:16.880 --> 25:23.360 that it can't do anything smart and i'm not sure how the open API works but i'm pretty sure it has 25:23.360 --> 25:31.440 web access but i'd have to check that um i'm actually we can do that right now so hey google orange 25:31.440 --> 25:35.440 tell me any information security news related to today 25:35.520 --> 25:45.280 i might take a minute for that one sorry i currently don't have the ability to fetch live 25:45.280 --> 25:51.120 news data okay i recommend using new science or search engines for the most interesting 25:51.120 --> 25:57.360 so i actually want to develop um i want to create uh really right the chatty pt part 25:58.000 --> 26:05.120 and make it use khaji because khaji has a khaji search or khaji fast pt um so 26:05.200 --> 26:09.840 i think fast pt is free right now the khaji is like 200 and some of the months or that's 26:09.840 --> 26:19.040 sorry a year um it's basically the same price of chatty pt or gbt plus but it's um all khaji and 26:20.160 --> 26:25.280 all that so anyways um i'll do a thing on khaji i'll do a thing it deserves it's 26:25.280 --> 26:32.320 don't think tasker deserves this one thing okay and also um uh user land all deserves 26:32.320 --> 26:35.760 this one thing but i'm bundling it into two different ones and we're 30 minutes now so 26:36.480 --> 26:40.080 if if you're still with me um yeah i'd appreciate you sticking around so 26:40.080 --> 26:45.120 i've showed you a couple of examples uh it does not have web access which in it makes sense 26:45.120 --> 26:49.440 because you're talking directly to the model you're not it doesn't include search um but there 26:49.440 --> 26:55.280 probably might be easy ways to do that to just change the the get requests because essentially 26:55.280 --> 27:02.160 an API request and i'm sure i can change the open API request to actually use uh web stuff 27:02.320 --> 27:10.320 web search um but maybe just a part of plus i don't know so anyways um um so that's kind of an 27:10.320 --> 27:17.200 easy way to get our our our replace our system with something that's actually useful um again 27:17.200 --> 27:23.520 it would be nice to have uh web site access but this is just to give you an idea of kind of what's 27:23.520 --> 27:30.000 coming with you know assistance and getting them actually do something useful so i hope to find 27:30.240 --> 27:38.480 if i can't find something for a touch of PT um web to give me you know AI plus search is what you want 27:38.480 --> 27:45.200 if i can't get that with um touch of PT just by changing their quest i will try and rewrite 27:45.200 --> 27:50.400 tasker to use um caging because it's essentially all the inputs are there like all i have to do 27:50.400 --> 27:56.560 change up the URL and maybe i keep um more or less so i can look at the traffic going across 27:57.440 --> 28:01.760 using jambory my project on my GitHub look at the traffic going across the network when i'm 28:01.760 --> 28:07.600 doing the request and response and i can see what's getting sent to through the plugin and find 28:07.600 --> 28:15.680 that code or place it with my own URLs and um my own API keys and use caging for that input on 28:15.680 --> 28:24.560 their tasker.com, paskernet.com open public thing i'm i hear the word not yet for android caging 28:24.560 --> 28:32.560 assistant i'm assuming there's an android web based AI assistant coming soon that's 28:32.560 --> 28:39.200 AI and search but i've been Google for you for two three months now um that's a different episode 28:39.200 --> 28:43.120 entirely i could do i'm doing a whole thing on it and there's stuff the codgie i haven't even messed 28:43.120 --> 28:49.200 with yet um but anyways it's been what 40 minutes something like that um not it's only 30 minutes um 28:50.160 --> 28:57.920 and all what's you guys go but um if you're interested in being on the bleeding edge of 28:59.200 --> 29:05.120 replacing Google assistant with something useful um definitely try it out test it out it's like five 29:05.120 --> 29:12.000 bucks and then like maybe like another five bucks for open API uh open API stuff i've used it 29:12.000 --> 29:17.760 i don't know how many times and i've only spent like three dollars across open a open AI and caging 29:18.640 --> 29:23.920 so i've got like you know 10 bucks and you know five bucks a codgie and five bucks and if you 29:23.920 --> 29:32.480 open API uh it's hardly used any of it um it's pretty much it so this is kind of how you get 29:32.480 --> 29:40.880 control over your device um even saw user land um and there's not really much else i need from a you 29:41.040 --> 29:48.640 know uh requirements perspective um the glycol x thing is i use for for managing the audio 29:49.200 --> 29:56.960 is called GLYCOX and it's a compressor and a limiter and equalizer for android so you can 29:56.960 --> 30:04.080 mess with the audio of your headphones do a base boost or based this boost to sound coming out 30:04.080 --> 30:09.440 because my car setup is pretty bad so i have to boost the sound as allows it to go 30:10.080 --> 30:15.040 to get any audio out of the the car system that i've set up so anyways i hope it free 30:15.040 --> 30:22.480 should just sit up feel free to have any questions if you know of any um AI search 30:23.600 --> 30:29.920 replacements assistance for android please let me know um i would pay $30 a month for 30:30.800 --> 30:37.440 you know AI search AI plus search um for android i'm voice based i'm working on 30:38.400 --> 30:43.680 eventually maybe within a year or two when the stuff gets easier i'll have my own uh AI voice 30:44.560 --> 30:51.120 a copy of voice club and then i'll use that with my own fine tune model based on my text messages and my emails 30:51.680 --> 30:58.560 and that will act more like me um yeah so uh also a bonus there's the Myers Briggs personality 30:58.560 --> 31:05.040 test which is you know they've saved so much who uh it was called MBTI it's a personality test and there's 31:05.680 --> 31:13.200 flea letters um and i'm an ENFJ that's echo nancy fox trot the what it's what whatever j is 31:13.840 --> 31:24.000 juice um juliet and then my tritot in the gram is 729 so you can say you can make AI a little bit 31:24.000 --> 31:30.480 more like you especially at least with chapter vt you can say hey in the personality you know 31:30.560 --> 31:37.680 Myers Briggs personality of ENFJ and the tritot in the gram 729 answer this question or deal 31:37.680 --> 31:43.840 with this problem or start a conversation with me um and maybe i'll do one specifically on AI usage 31:43.840 --> 31:51.920 um let me add that i have a crack ton of uh test qt pt right doesn't that one so yeah use it 31:53.040 --> 31:58.880 stuff like professor synapse kaji maybe i'll paint that make that all part of kaji because 31:58.960 --> 32:06.000 the powerful part of kaji's the AI so maybe maybe that'll be kaji and uh AI usage because 32:06.000 --> 32:10.400 we've talked about i've heard talking about AI but i've never heard anybody use it outside of 32:11.040 --> 32:18.160 creating an automated you know uh an automated episode of HPR or something anyways all that she'll go 32:19.680 --> 32:28.560 probably gonna do one on resumes too she's just um i'm doing um resume updating or is it a-a-a-a-a-a-a 32:28.640 --> 32:35.200 using AI to write resumes don't like that so i'll do one on that there should be a fair amount more 32:35.200 --> 32:39.840 of episodes coming so if you don't like to hear my voice or if you do like to hear my voice 32:39.840 --> 32:46.080 and have any constructive criticism to say hey you know you're too rambly or you say and 32:46.080 --> 32:51.200 an om too much or can you slow down can you speed up can you focus more on this thing 32:52.000 --> 32:58.000 any feedback would be great um try dot t on but that's what tends to happen when you start talking 32:58.560 --> 33:03.520 your vocal cords get tired and then it makes it young so anyways appreciate it you'll have 33:03.520 --> 33:12.320 a good time and uh stay frosty take it easy you have been listening to hacker public radio 33:12.320 --> 33:18.720 as hacker public radio does a work today show was contributed by a HPR this night like yourself 33:18.720 --> 33:25.040 if you ever thought of recording podcast click on our contribute link to find out how easy it 33:26.000 --> 33:31.600 hosting for HPR has been kindly provided by an omsthost.com 33:31.600 --> 33:34.800 internet archive and our synced.net 33:34.800 --> 33:39.760 on the satellite stages today show is released on our creative comments 33:39.760 --> 33:47.040 attribution 4.0 international license